
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

Gender-based violence in armed conflicts and the recognition of the refugee status


  • Sabrina Paula Vecchioni Universidad de Buenos Aires


The common definition of refugee has been put to test by the events of a world in constant change, with regards to the need for international protection when that provided by the State of nationality or habitual residence is not effective. Mass displacement of people caused by armed conflicts put the refugee status to the test on the basis of regional interpretations that broaden the scope of international protection. In addition, we must consider the development of feminist theories on gender-based violence during armed conflicts. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and analyze the complementarity of International Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law and their relation with International Refugee Law, in order to establish the full and unrestricted validity of international protection in cases of displaced women, as a consequence of armed conflict.


Refugee status, armed conflicts, gender-based violence.

Author Biography

Sabrina Paula Vecchioni, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Sabrina Paula Vecchioni es abogada. Diplomada en Ciencias Sociales con men-ción en Género, Sociedad y Políticas de Flacso-PRIGEPP. Profesora de Derecho In-ternacional Humanitario, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Prosecretaria administrativa de la Comisión para la asistencia integral y protección al refugiado y peticionante de refugio, Ministerio Público de la Defensa, Defensoría General de la Nación, Argentina. Su correo electrónico es svecchioni@gmail.com.