The American historian Hayden White analyzes, in this interview, the ways of relating to the past in the light of the vertiginous changes in the means of representation. The so-called “age of the image” does not suppose a new “end of history”, but the incessant rethinking of the ways of knowing. In this sense, this interview addresses, on the one hand, White’s main contributions on these issues and revisits some of his main concepts, such as “modernist event”, “historical fact”, “figure”, “fiction”, and the same notion of “concept”, among others. On the other hand, a short essay is presented that the author wrote as an appendixdigression to the ideas expressed
during our dialogue, which he added to the exchange, titled it as “A little essay on ‘endism’”.
Hayden White, The End of History, Modernist Event, Endism
Author Biography
Gilda Bevilacqua, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctora en Historia, Departamento de Historia, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Temperley, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Correo electrónico:
Bevilacqua, G. (2021). Interview with Hayden White: “There can be a history of concepts, but never a concept of history”. Cuadernos De Historia, (55), pp. 329–340. Retrieved from