Urban Accommodation for Poor Families: Exercises from a Workshop on Architecture 1997, 1998 and 1999


  • Edwin Haramoto Nishikimoto Universidad de Chile
  • Alejandra Cortés Universidad de Chile


This paper presents a group of projects developed by second year students at the Architectural Design Studio in our university and they represent an answer to the housing needs of low income families in Chile. The exercises carried out for three consecutive years in different places of our country's central region are based on a Preliminary Proposal which theoretical background was born in discussions held at the Instituto de la Vivienda (Housing Institute). The problem we are trying to face is the increasing difficulties encountered by the low income families in having access to an urban house with appropriate habitability conditions and with a greater social and physical integration. A complete version of the Preliminary Proposal was presented at the seminar "Vivienda social, Opciones para las familias más pobres" (Social housing options for low income famiies) in June 1999, which was published in Boletín N° 37 of the Housing Institute and in a paper describing the events at the seminar. Besides the work carried out by our students, this paper also includes an example of a Degree Project presented at the Universidad Mayor, which has similar characteristics and had our counselling.

Author Biographies

Edwin Haramoto Nishikimoto, Universidad de Chile

Arquitecto, Master of Philosophy en Arquitectura, Housing Course for Developing Countries Universidad de Newcastle upon Tyne, Inglaterra; Director, profesor e investigador del Instituto de la Vivienda; Profesor en el Taller de Diseño Arquitectónico Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile.

Alejandra Cortés, Universidad de Chile

Estudiante de Quinto año 2000. Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Chile. Fue alumna destacada en el Taller del profesor Haramoto durante 1997. Obtuvo una de las mejores calificaciones en el ejercicio de vivienda.