Violence in Urban Space and the Right to a Better Living


  • Liliana Aguirre Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


We are trying to present an emerging problem in urban societies in Latin America which is part of the social sciences in the region. The time-space context is the economic crisis at the end of the 90´s in Argentina where the built space (the area or sector in a city) has been intervened by men through the construction of houses, buildings, streets, squares, etc. This is the space where we may find urban violence, a way by which individuals or groups of people interact. This is the marginal city, usually at the edge of the norms which effects are usually negative for the people's physical and psychological well being. We ask ourselves whether the right to dignifying housing is linked to safety as well. In this case we are dealing with a housing group and we have used a qualitative methodology as a research strategy since it relates to the study of social life and it allows for the production of descriptive data. It places a high value on ideas such as the communitarian articulation, the social and cultural assets in the treatment of urban violence as a problem.

Author Biography

Liliana Aguirre, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Arquitecta Mg. en Ciencias Sociales. Cátedra de Sociología y Cátedra "La vivienda social su tecnología y su diseño". Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. República Argentina.