Disability and the Right to the City in the Social Production of Public Space



This paper seeks to identify the trends and main currents related to the production of public space and its impact on social inclusion or exclusion, especially of people with disabilities. The issue is addressed by contemporary debates raised by different authors about the construction and social production of space and their influence on the physical-spatial reality of cities. The studies and theorizations of these authors are critically approached in order to build a reflection on the right to the city, the spatial inclusion/exclusion, and disability in public space. For this purpose, a systematized literature review was carried out based on the SALSA methodology (Search, AppraisaL, Synthesis, and Analysis). As a result of this review, it became evident that there is a systematic separation between the production of physical space and social space derived from the acts of dominant power mediated by expert technocrats who conceive, project, and materialize physical space and its difference from the practices, perceptions, and experiences of those who use it.


disabilities, public space, right to the city, social production of space, urban exclusion, urban inclusion


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