
IMPORTANT: Starting May 22, 2024, authors will be required to pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) to the journal for articles accepted for publication, which will be used to cover translation costs.

Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología accepts manuscripts on an ongoing basis throughout the calendar year. The journal operates under a "continuous publication" model.

Ethical standards

Ethical standards

Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología, founded in 1999, is dependent upon the faculty of  medicine, and the Departamento de Fonoaudología of the Universidad de Chile.

The journal publishes material related to the sciences of human communication and its disorders annually. Publications related to special education, psycholinguistics, neurosciences, and cognitive psychology, among others, are also considered. Original and unpublished articles that may correspond to empirical works, theoretical reviews, case studies, comments, and opinion articles by experts are accepted.

Every article sent to the Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología is subjected to a peer-review process, using a double-blind arbitration, that is, the name of the authors and that of the reviewers is anonymous during the process.


Open access policy 

The Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología provides free access to its content under the principle of making research available to the public, supporting a greater exchange of global knowledge.

Besides, the Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología does not have fees or charges associated with the publication of the articles that are disseminated in it.



The Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología uses the LOCKSS system to create a file that is distributed among all the participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.


Ethical and Practice Standards

The Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología is committed to the academic community and only publishes work that complies with the international ethical standards related to the experimentation and publication. In case of detecting malpractices or faults against ethics in the research process or errors in the manuscript already published, the pertinent amendment will be published on the journal's official website. If the case warrants it, the manuscript could be removed from the journal, in which case this action will be reported on the official webpage.

It is expected that all those who participate in its issuance follow the rules of ethics and conduct that are mentioned below.


  • They must maintain confidentiality concerning the documents they manage.
  • They must give impartial consideration to each manuscript received for evaluation, judging it by its merits, regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender, seniority, or organizational affiliation of the author.
  • They must remind the referees at all times that their task is impartial.
  • They must do everything possible to ensure that the publication meets the highest quality standards.
  • They must detect and correct errors in the documents they manage.
  • They must make all reasonable efforts to identify and avoid the publication of articles that incurred in malpractice during the investigation process.
  • In no case, the editors will endorse or encourage improper conduct if they become aware of it.
  • In the case of any accusation of malpractice during the investigation process, the editors must receive the accusation and take the appropriate measures.
  • When necessary, they must publish corrections, apologies or even retraction of the article in question.
  • They must make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the manuscripts received for consideration are processed in a timely and efficient manner.
  • In case of a conflict of interest, they must inform the rest of the editorial committee, to assign a new editor for the work in question.
  • They must ensure that the peer review of any original research article submitted by themselves is delegated to another member of the editorial committee, as appropriate.


  • They must send documents that are original and of academic relevance, which have not been published in part or whole in other journals.
  • They must not submit a manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously.
  • The work they send must contain all the respective citations and the sources must be faithfully reflected in the list of references.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  • They must inform if they have received financial aid to carry out the work presented, providing all sources of funding.
  • They must notify the editor-in-chief if there is any conflict of interest.
  • They are responsible for all the content of the documents.
  • They must submit real data, without inappropriate manipulation.
  • They must possess the necessary rights for their graphic materials or another type of documents that require it.
  • They must ensure that every person who has made significant scientific or structural contributions to the reported work is appointed as a co-author.
  • They must ensure that all co-authors named in the manuscript have contributed significantly to the research.
  • The corresponding author must ensure that all named co-authors have accepted the publication of their names in the manuscript.
  • They must provide all necessary formal ethical information, including evidence of anonymity and informed consent of the participants, if appropriate.
  • They must notify editors of any errors they find in their work.
  • If necessary, must provide access to the original data described in the article.
  • They must provide corrections and retractions in case of faults against ethics, methodological mistakes or any other error detected.


  • They must maintain confidentiality about their work.
  • They must evaluate the documents sent to them in an impartial manner, that is, strictly regarding the quality of the content.
  • They must notify the editor about any issue found in the documents sent to them.
  • They must inform if there is or could be a conflict of interest.
  • They must provide a review report that is constructive and comprehensive.
  • They should abstain from making statements in their report that could be construed as disrespectful to any person's reputation.
  • They must make all reasonable efforts to deliver the report and suggestions in a timely manner, informing the editor if this is not possible.
  • They should warn the editor of the journal if they detect any significant similarity between the manuscript that is being considered and any other article published or presented.