Professor Aracen¡1's contribution points to the use fulne ss of psyc hological
studies in the field ofliterary creation . Here he re fers to the artistic expression of psychological needs which, as in the case of the Homeric episode of the sirens' songs, acquire an aesthetic as well as an ethical dimension, where the wise message is interpreted with considerable empathy, although it might well be
doubted that such needs would necessa rily represent prope rl y virtuous needs to
which man should aspire.
Biografía del autor/a
Moisés Aracena, Universidad de Chile
Profesor del Departamento de Psicología de la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Educación de la Universidad de Chile. Se ha dedicado fundamentalmente a la Psicología Clínica. Es autor de Introduccion al estudio del test de Rorscharch INTRODUCCIÓN AL EsTUDIO DEL TEST DE
Aracena, M. (2015). Análisis psicológico del mensaje de las sirenas en la Odisea de Homero. Revista Chilena De Humanidades, (5). Recuperado a partir de