Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología: Announcements <p>The Chilean Journal of Law and Technology is a biannual academic publication of the Centre for Information Technology Law Studies (CEDI), University of Chile’s Law School , wich aims to spread over the legal community the necessary elements to analyze and understand the scope and effects that technologic and cultural development have produced in society, specially their impact on legal science.</p> es-ES Envíos cerrados <p>La Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología cierra el proceso de recepción de manuscritos hasta el 31 de marzo de 2025.</p> <p>Debido al alto número de contribuciones recibidas, la Dirección de la Revista ha decidido suspender la recepción de nuevos artículos hasta el 31 de marzo de 2025. </p> <p>Muchísimas gracias por las contribuciones recibidas.</p> <p> </p> Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología 2024-07-03 Call for Papers <p><strong>The RChDT has opened an extraordinary call for papers written by women</strong></p> <p>The Chilean Jounrnal of Law &amp; Technology (Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología, RChDT), a biannual academic publication edited and published by the Centre for Information Technology Law Studies (CEDI) of the University of Chile's Law School, is making an extraordinary call for papers, targeted to female researchers, activists, academics and professionales from the areas of law, digital technologies, engineering and social sciences, to send original works for its eventual publication in a next issue of the RChDT.</p> <p>With the purpose to incentive and ease the process of publication of articles written by women as a first author, and by this way, to reduce the gender breach that exists in the articles published in the RChDT, we have decided to open this extraordinary call for papers.</p> <p>Also, as a permanent measure, we have decided to give a preferential treatment to the articles written by women, regarding the time of the process of editorial review, external peer review, edition and eventual publication.</p> <p>However, the evaluation of the quality, integrity and originality of the articles, and the strict following of the editorial rules of the RChDT remain unaltered by this extraordinary call for papers.</p> <p><strong>Requirements</strong></p> <p><span class="st"><strong>•</strong> The articles must be original and unpublished, written in spanish or english, and within the scope of the RChDT.</span></p> <p><span class="st"><strong>• </strong>The articles must be written by women as first author.</span></p> <p><span class="st"><strong>• </strong>The articles have to </span>comply with the <a href="">rules for authors</a> of the <span class="st">RChDT</span></p> <p><strong>• </strong><span class="st">The articles have to comply with the <a href="">publication policies</a> and the <a href="">ethical standards</a> of the RChDT. </span></p> Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología 2020-08-27