The archive as communication and memory device in the documentary “El Padre Mío” from Diamela Eltit, Lotty Rosenfeld and Juan Forch


  • María Verónica Elizondo Oviedo Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Becaria Postdoctoral CONICET


The paper presents an analysis of the documentary El padre mío (1985) performed by Chilean artists, Eltit, Lotty Rosenfeld and Juan Forch. The research focuses on the use of archival material recovered by the authors and which forms the basis of the video. The documentary reviews the almighty father figure through Augusto Pinochet’s image and its counterpart, a tramp. The voices and images of the forgotten ones by social and economic policies are printed on the body of the archive. In this case, the archive works as a communication device that allows us to visit and think the place of memory in repressive contexts.


Memoria, archivo, documental, padre, dictador

Author Biography

María Verónica Elizondo Oviedo, Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Becaria Postdoctoral CONICET

Mi nombre es Verónica Elizondo y soy Doctora en Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Actualmente, realizo mi investigación postdoctorale en el Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género de la Universidad de Buenos Aires gracias a una beca Conicet.