Crossing borders: identities, federal fiction series and road movie on argentine TV


  • Cristina Andrea Siragusa Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Mariana Britos Universidad Nacional de Villa María


After the enactment of the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services, a policy of promoting the production of television content was implemented by the Argentine National Government, which led to the start of an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of media communication: gestation and circulation of narratives that referred from / from national territories to plural local identities. In this context, from an ongoing research that has as one of its objectives to map the production experiences and the images of TV fiction series gestated in the expressive territories of Argentina, it is important to describe and interpret the specific features displayed contemplating the narrative dimensions , techniques and aesthetics. In Siete vuelos (Gastón Gularte, 2012) and in El viaje, 9 días buscando Norte (Jorge Vargas, 2013), a search trip is exhibited that configures the construction-del-yo, landscapes, and subjects in the same movement.


Televisión, Ficción, Identidades, Territorio, Serialidad