We investigated the differences in the narratives of transsexuals and transgender women, with emphasis on the meanings of gender, sexuality and body. The sample consisted of ten participants (five transsexual women and five transgender woman) who where interviewed using the life stories method, the data being analyzed through content analysis. The results showed that transsexuality is wider than what is proposed by DSM IV, as not all transsexual people reject the body, wich is the case of transgender people. Further investigations are necessary regarding transsexuality, along with discussing the ethical responsibility of Psychology in the pass for sex change.
Noseda Gutiérrez, J. (2012). Many forms of transsexuality: differences of being a transsexual woman and being transgender woman. Revista De Psicología, 21(2), Pág. 7–30. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-0581.2012.25835