El adulto mayor y la patología otorrinolaringológica


  • Pablo Cabello E. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Servicio Otorrinolaringología
  • Héctor Bahamonde S. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Servicio Otorrinolaringología


During the past years Chile has suffered a change on its demographics. Nowadays is a country with an aged country profile. This is reflected in the raise of elderly population attending to otolaryngologist attention. This population develops pathologies tightly related to aging process that become a frequent chief complaint. This review looks into common otolaryngological complaints within elderly population such as voice disorders, balance disorders, presbycusis, tinnitus, dysphagia, nasal disorders and head and neck cancer.

Palabras clave:

Anciano, Enfermedades Otorrinolaringológicas, Enfermedades del Oído, Trastornos de la Voz