Trasplante cardíaco


  • Jaime Zamorano G. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Departamento Cardiovascular. Unidad Cardiocirugía
  • Luis Sepúlveda M. Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile. Departamento Cardiovascular. Unidad Cardiocirugía


Currently, cardiac transplantation is the most effective treatment for a selected group of patients with terminal congestive heart failure. The choice of donors, recipients, surgical techniques and postoperatory care are in this days, fairly standardize. The results in term of survival are absolutely superior in comparison with any other form treatment available in the present times. All of the patients will require inmunosupressive therapy for the lifetime, and therefore they will be a risk of the complications inherent to the usage of these drugs. Currently the risk of infection or rejection is low. In the long term however, the Achilles tendon is the coronary vasculopathy of the transplanted heart, which can compromise survival and can lead in the selected group of patients to the need for re-transplantation.

Palabras clave:

Trasplante de Corazón, Selección de Paciente, Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardíacos