Reconciling memory: Heritage interpretation study on the 'La estrella' Memorial, Hualpén, Chile



In the current post-dictatorship scenario, following the principle of symbolic reconciliation, memory sites arise emerging from the transformations in their use and meaning, reflecting the memorialization policies of the dictatorship period in Chile (1973-1990). After being founded by collectives and then institutionalized, memorials are created fulfilling an important symbolic role; however, these often go unnoticed by users. The main inquiry is if these memorials achieve their main purpose: do they effectively convey the memories of the dictatorship? This emphasizes the interpretative dimension of the memorials, which must be evaluated based on how their physical and symbolic characteristics communicate the past.

The essence of these spaces lies in their ability to evoke memory and history through their tangible presence, encouraging reflection on what happened. The objective of the research is to analyze the strategies used for interpretation in the “La estrella” memorial in Hualpén, along with the visibility and recognition by users. To reach this goal, a phenomenological investigation based on perception studies is be carried out, allowing an understanding of the qualities presented by memory sites and how they communicate the memories of the dictatorship.


Memory sites, post-dictatorship, symbolic reconciliation, heritage interpretation

Author Biography

Daniela Matus Cuevas, Universidad del Bío Bío

Arquitecta de la Universidad de Concepción y actualmente cursa el magíster en Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Urbano de la Universidad del Bío Bío. Desarrolla su trabajo de investigación en el patrimonio y la memoria, con enfoque en los sitios de memoria asociados al período de dictadura en Chile.