Activos digitales ante el Derecho Internacional Privado: limitaciones y soluciones



This article analyzes the current situation of digital assets from the perspective of private international law, in order to demonstrate the insufficiency of the latter to regulate the practical problems arising from these assets. The insufficiency of solutions rooted in the physical - or analogous - world to lead to reasonable results in the digital universe is raised. . This being so, specialized solutions for the determination of jurisdiction in disputes involving digital assets are proposed, and the proposal made by the Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) on the rules applicable to the private law aspects of these assets is analyzed. As a necessary introduction, the technologies underlying the most well-known digital assets, Distibuted Ledger Technologies and blockchain (section II) and their use in the virtual metaverse space (section III) are described. On this basis, digital assets are defined (section IV). Difficulties arising when applying standard tools of private international law to digital assets are identified (section V). The document prepared by the Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) proposing a uniform or harmonized solution is presented (section VI). It ends with conclusions (VII).


Private International Law, digital assets, international jurisdiction, conflict of law

Author Biographies

Elina Mereminskaya

Elina Mereminskaya es árbitra, FCIArb, Doctora y Magister en Derecho por la Universidad de Göttingen, Alemania. Abogada Licenciada por la Universidad de Kaliningrado, Rusia. Profesora invitada de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile desde 2004.

Lucas Villagrán Gajardo, Universidad de Chile

Lucas Villagrán es Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile. Es ayudante de los Departamentos de Derecho Privado y Derecho Procesal.