Discourse construction and social representations about Mapudungun: an ethnolinguistic analysis of both urban Mapuche and wingka (non-mapuche) discourse
This paper describes, from an ethno-linguistic point of view, the social representations constructed by urban Mapuche, and other social actors wingka (non mapuche), about mapudungún. The data correspond to the results of the qualitative phase of a study whose aim was to describe the linguistic situation of this indigenous language in Santiago de Chile in terms of its vitality and functionality in the city. Based on semi structured interviews to urban mapuche, participant observation in urban indigenous associations and analysis of secondary sources of information, it was possible to establish a new appreciation of Mapudungun and a rescue of its symbolic identitarian (self-defining) rather than linguistic value, [which seems to be an] expression of broader processes of reethnification. At the level of language production, it is possible to observe how the traditional and natural spaces for such function (community, home) are losing ground and the emergence of others (school, language workshops), typical of a non-mapuche cultural rationality.
ethnolinguistics, mapudungún, social representations, cultural reproduction
Lagos Fernández, C. (2010). Discourse construction and social representations about Mapudungun: an ethnolinguistic analysis of both urban Mapuche and wingka (non-mapuche) discourse. Lenguas Modernas, (36), Pág. 45–64. Retrieved from https://revistateatro.uchile.cl/index.php/LM/article/view/30680