Un mito en movimiento: Pablo de Olavide y su Evangelio en Triunfo (1797)


  • Rolando Carrasco M. Universidad de Chile


In this essay I propose to analyse the ‘myth' of Pablo Olavide as martyr of the Spanish Inquisition during the 18th century. By establishing the context in which this historical and literary ‘myth' emerges, I would like, in the first place, to explore the Spanish ‘leyenda negra' and the travelers' records which build up the central european view of Spain during the Enlightment. In the second place, over the background of the Enlightment's ideals in it's fighting against the religious fanaticism, I analyse a representative text of Olavide's last production phase, Evangelio en Triunfo (1797), from the point of view of its travel dimensions. By analysing this text, I explore the pendular character of travel narrative in the work of this Peruvian Enlightened author; I emphasize the movement of exile (Madrid-Paris) and the epistemological and spiritual displacement which is at the base of his transformation: his adherence to enlightment becomes a disapointment.

El presente artículo se inscribe en el proyecto FONDECYT N º 1060142. La Ilustración hispanoamericana. El siglo XVIII en Chile y el área andina. Una primera versión de éste fue leído en el Congreso de Peruanistas. Santiago de Chile, 25 al 27 de abril del 2007.


Pablo de Olavide, Evangelio en Triunfo, Enlightment, “leyenda negra”, travellers, Inquistion.