Hetoric of the look on the bases of the interculturality: body, language and otherness in Raúl Zurita and Dante


  • Raquel López Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


This work deals with the component of comparatism and the phenomenon of intertextuality in The Divine Comedy of Dante and in the production of the Chilean poet Raúl Zurita, Zurita. On the basis of what in this article has been called “Rhetoric of the look”, the study of the relations of thematological, aesthetic-argumental, social, cultural, ethical and historical proximity between the classical source and Zurita’s work legitimizes not only the importance of language and its points of contact with man and the world, but also attends to the amplitude of the act of looking (seeing) and being watched (being seen) for the vindication of a fundamentally intercultural writing practice capable to connect and solidarize times, spaces and relationships between human beings (others) in society. Furthermore, considering the approaches of the Literary anthropology and The Anthropological literature, we deepen into the concept of interculturality and also in the nature of the Chilean discourse of postmodernity (interdisciplinarily integrating), to finally lead to the zuritian willingness of a poetic and vital project to get over the underestimation of identity and the hope of language beyond the imposition and conflict totalitarian logic’s.


Rhetoric of the look, Interculturality, language, Raúz Zurita, Dante