The origin of the political within the espositean inpolitical: clarifying commentary on politics as a technique in Roberto Esposito


  • Miguel Lobos Zuzunaga Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso


We investigate the answer of the Italian Theory, from Roberto Esposito, to the political degeneration proposed in the critical authors of modernity, understood as a way out from politics and as a technification. We’ll provide a clarification of these critical thoughts and the proposal of Esposito: an identity between technology and politics. With an hermeneutic-analytical paper, we will clarify what is technology in those authors and in Esposito’s thought. This contemporary endeavor allows to claim a technical conception of political reality, and constitutes a new access to the question about humankind through technology, from a pure political activity point of view.


Italian theory, conflict, origins of politics, political degenaration, political technology