Powers and attributions of the Regional Secretaries of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, in relation to the Directorates of Municipal Works
José Fernández Richard
Profesor de Derecho Municipal-Urbanístico, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile
The article present refers to the powers of the Ministerial Regional Secretariat the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning, in relation at the Directions of municipal Works; the administrative unit of their directors in front of the municipalities and the technical supervision on these addresses exercises by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.
Directions of municipal Works, Regional Secretariats Ministry of Housing Urban Development, faculty supervision
Fernández Richard, J. (2013). Powers and attributions of the Regional Secretaries of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, in relation to the Directorates of Municipal Works. Revista De Derecho Público, (79), Pág. 83–93. https://doi.org/10.5354/rdpu.v0i79.30964