Applicability of international treaties in economic matters in Chilean law. A jurisprudential and legal analysis in light of the World Trade Organization and the free trade agreements signed by Chile
Mauricio Álvarez Montti
Magister en Derecho mención Derecho Internacional, Universidad de Chile
The trade liberalization process carried out by our country in recent years has provoked a series of questions in order to determine if it is necessary to adapt national legislation to the obligations contracted by signing multilateral agreements, or if, on the contrary, said provisions are automatically enforceable by the courts of justice.
International treaties, World Trade Organization, Multilateral agreements
Álvarez Montti, M. (2016). Applicability of international treaties in economic matters in Chilean law. A jurisprudential and legal analysis in light of the World Trade Organization and the free trade agreements signed by Chile. Revista De Derecho Público, (69), Págs. 276–308.