This article presents an analysis on how the International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC) understands the notion of decent work that was launched by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 1999. In order to do that, we elaborated a codification on the Programme of the ITUC of 2006. The aim was at explaining the meanings that ITUC gives to this notion, identifying the associated terms, such as “social justice”, “State” and “social dialogue”. It is concluded that ITUC puts decent work as a central issue inside its political objective, which is the building of a “new globalization”. At this point, we identify the “utopian horizon” that has been forged by the ITUC. We explain that this horizon is an expression of a particular way of being of unionism, that we call here “subjectivity determined by the wage-form”. This kind of subjectivity was the usual form during the welfare-Keynesian period.