One of the factors influencing the heterogeneity of Cuban families is the growing number of female heads of household. A high percentage of women who are either married or in a consensual union are beginning to occupy this role. However, there has been little research conducted on the subject to date. The present article presents the results of a descriptive and exploratory study whose objective was to analyze, from the perspective of gender, the reasons for which a group of women in stable, long-term relationships identify as heads of household, and are recognized as such by their partners. Ten married or cohabiting couples were studied using a qualitative approach. The results show that the main causes of the phenomenon relate to economic, legal and personal criteria, and to patriarchal notions of gender. We propose that the socio-economic characteristics of the Cuban context may contribute to positive valuation of female headship among the couples studied, as well as to a greater capacity on the part of women to assume this role. We reflect on the findings of the study, and point to the need for further research to address additional variables that were not included in the present work.