This article consists of an empirical analysis of the habitus and modes of justification of the elite linked to Opus Dei, a group that has an important ascendancy over the elites in Chile and that has been little studied. Pierre Bourdieu's conceptual apparatus is used, because his social classification proposal incorporates symbolic properties as modes of social distinction, through which agents apprehend and interpret the world and their position in the social structure. Opus Dei will be considered as a collective subject that shapes a shared habitus among those who are part of it, where the "sanctification of work" appears as a central element in the social distinction of the group. The methodology is qualitative in nature and a total of 16 in-depth interviews were conducted with Opus Dei members and key informants on the subject, to later analyze the material using the discourse analysis technique.
Guajardo, J. P. (2023). Habitus and legitimation of the elite linked to Opus Dei in Chile. Revista De Sociología, 38(1), 171–191. (Original work published August 1, 2023)