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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission meets the formal guidelines of the Journal. Please review the Author Guidelines. Manuscripts that do not conform to the Journal's format will not be accepted.
  • An ethical management of the sources from which information was extracted has been carried out, referencing and citing correctly whenever ideas or previously written texts, whether one's own or from others, have been used.
  • The submission has not been previously published, is original, and has not been submitted simultaneously to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The text includes at least 20% bibliography from the last 5 years.
  • The submission may have a maximum of 3 authors affiliated with the same institution.
  • In case of using artificial intelligence, it must be explicitly stated in the footer. The contribution of artificial intelligence to your article must comply with our Generative Artificial Intelligence Usage Policy. Review Publication Policies.

Author Guidelines

I. General considerations regarding the submission of manuscripts:

1.- Format: All manuscripts must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document, with a .doc or .docx extension. No other format will be accepted. The author must indicate the section to which the article is submitted in the file name: Research, Approaches, Book review, or Talking about... (Last Name-Section)

2.- Publication policies: All manuscripts must be original. Further details can be found in the Publication Policies section.

3.- Author biography: The manuscript document (Word) must include, aligned to the right and in italics, the following biographical information of the authors:

  • full name,
  • institutional affiliation, understood as the institution and the position held (for example: Academic, Universidad de Chile),
  • academic degree (for example: Doctor of Education) (the institution where the degree was obtained should not be included, and only the highest degree obtained should be mentioned) (If having more than one academic degree, it can be noted in a footnote),
  • city, country (for example: Santiago, Chile),
  • email address, and
  • ORCID number, this field is mandatory (For example: ORCID: 0000-0003-0339-3826) (The hyperlink should be inserted in the ORCID number, and the link should not be left attached in the text of the article).

4.- Regarding the submission of articles: Articles will be accepted throughout the year, prioritizing those submitted in response to a thematic call issued by the journal. All texts must be sent to or uploaded through the journal's platform. Articles may have a maximum of 3 authors belonging to the same institutional affiliation. Each issue of the journal may contain a maximum of 20% of authors belonging to the same publishing entity, that is, Universidad de Chile.

5.- Page setup: letter size, margins of 2.5 cm (both sides), first line indent of 1.25 cm, body of the text justified, line spacing of 1.0 cm, add space after the paragraph.

6.- Typography: Font, Arial. Titles in Spanish/Portuguese: 18 points, in uppercase and bold. Titles in English: 14 points, in uppercase and bold. Body of the text: 12 points. Footnotes: 10 points.

7.- Abstract: Maximum of 200 words, a single paragraph, structured in four (4) points: a brief introduction containing the general objective of the study or essay. A brief description of the methodology in relation to relevant aspects, for example, approach, type of study, subjects, techniques, method of analysis, etc. Results highlighting the most relevant findings. General conclusions.

Add four (4) keywords, in lowercase, separated by commas.

Both the abstract and the keywords must be included in Spanish, Portuguese, and English (in that order).

8.- Citation: All citations and references must be made according to APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines, seventh edition. It is necessary that all citations and references made in the text are included in the bibliography list. Only the citations and references that appear in the body of the text are included in the bibliograpic references. Citations longer than 40 words should be formatted with a left indent of 1.25 cm.

Consider a 20% citation rate from sources published in the last five years.

Do not use automatic references from Word.

9.- Titles and Subtitles:

Titles should be in the language the article is written in and in English.

Title in the original language (Spanish/Portuguese): Bold, center-aligned, uppercase, 18 points.

Title in English: Bold, center-aligned, uppercase, 14 points.

Level 1 Subtitles: Bold, center-aligned, sentence case, 12 points. No numbering.

Level 2 Subtitles: Bold, italic, left-aligned, sentence case, 12 points. No numbering.

Level 3 Subtitles: Italic, left-aligned, sentence case, 12 points. No numbering.

Do not activate automatic titles in Word.

10.- Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and must be editable. The font for titles and content in the table or figure should be Arial, 10 points. Include bold numbering for the table or figure (Example: Table 1). Following this, the title of the table or figure should be in italics (Example: Duration of Mathematical Segments). Then insert the table or figure. Finally, include the source of creation at the bottom of the table in Arial, 10 points.


Table 1. (12 points)
Duration of Mathematical Segments (12 points)

Table content (10 points)

Source: (10 points)

11.- Page Number: Add page number in the footer, center-aligned, Arial font, size 10 pts. Leave the header and footer at a distance of 1.25 cm.

12.- Acknowledgments: Include a section for Acknowledgments, stating the funding through which the research was conducted, if applicable. Also, consider including collaborating institutions in the project.


II. Aspects related to writing:

Texts should not exceed 25 pages, including everything. The sections "Talking about..." and "Book Reviews" should not exceed 20 pages.

For bibliographic references, use APA format, seventh edition.

The use of the impersonal third person (one) is recommended. For example: “it was concluded that (…)” instead of “we concluded that (…)”.

The journal assumes that contributors have conducted ethical management of the sources from which they have extracted information, referencing and citing correctly whenever ideas or previously written texts, whether their own or those of others, are used. Using excerpts from the author's previous works without proper citation will be considered self-plagiarism.

Revista Enfoques Educacionales reserves the right to propose or introduce corrections in the writing of the texts. If there are any, they will be sent to the author in advance for validation.


III. Categories of articles:

The author must indicate the section to which the article is submitted in the file name: research, approaches, or talking about... (Last Name-Section)



Research Section, for works that report research results. It must consider the following structure:

- Introduction
- Theoretical References
- Methodology
- Results
- Analysis/Discussion
- Conclusions


Approaches Section, for works that present a personal position on a topic or problem, based on objective information previously collected and presented. It must consider the following structure:

- Introduction
- Theoretical background
- Analysis/Discussion
- Final thoughts

Book Review

Book Review Section, for the description, criticism and reflection that highlights the current academic interest of the book in question and that points out clues to encourage reading it. Reviews of books with a maximum publication age of 3 years will be considered. The following structure must be considered:

- Introduction / Development
- Final thoughts

Speaking of...

Section Speaking of..., for discussions, reflections or comments on a limited and well-founded topic. It must consider the following structure:

- Introduction / Development
- Final thoughts

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.