The objective of the study was to analyze the configuration of the professional teaching identity of special education students of a public university in Santiago de Chile, through autobiographical accounts. With a qualitative approach and narrative biographical method, this study uses analytical induction as a model, in order to understand the discourses in their globality and also in their particularity. It is discussed on the basis of four dimensions of analysis, namely: personal, social, academic and professional, which together make up the Professional Teaching Identity. It is concluded that the Professional Teaching Identity is constituted as a dynamic and continuous process, built in subjective and participative reflection, with peer groups, teachers, and other significant actors, needing constant accompaniment that dynamizes reflection in praxis.
teacher training, special education teacher training, identity, autobiographies
Figueroa Espínola, A. M., Román Soto, D., Lizana Muñoz, V., Barrera Reyes, M., & Arancibia Zeballos, J. . (2023). The Configuration of the Professional Teaching Identity of Special Education Students, Through Autobiographical Accounts. Revista Enfoques Educacionales, 20(2), pp. 67–84.