This article aims to present some of the main results obtained from the performance of 16 discussion groups with urban popular young people from four regions of Chile, related to their perceptions, evaluations and levels of identification with the informative production of digital and print media. This article describes how young people present a strong disidentification to the contents and news coverage developed by print and online media about what we define as «popular young world».
popular youth, pluralism, press
Author Biographies
Víctor Muñoz Tamayo, Universidad de Chile
Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos, investigador proyecto Anillo, Universidad de Chile. E-Mail:
Carlos Durán M., Universidad Diego Portales
Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, académico Facultad de Historia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile. E-Mail:
Eduardo Thayer C., Universidad de Los Lagos
Doctor en Sociología, investigador asociado Centro de Investigación en Sociedad y Políticas Públicas, Universidad de Los Lagos, Santiago, Chile. E-Mail:
Muñoz Tamayo, V., Durán M., C., & Thayer C., E. (2020). Urban popular young people facing digital and print media: Distortions, identifications, distances and silences. Última Década, 22(41), 89–123. Retrieved from