Cuerpos en diálogo, experiencias sensibles en prácticas de movimiento


  • Daniela Marini Universidad de Chile


From the practice of contemporary dance and the thoughts that permanently update it, we ask ourselves about modes of collaborative non-hierarchical and inclusive organization. From here comes the generation of open practices, ideally designed for different bodies, different contexts and experiences, (assuming this search in its utopian character, constantly researching new ways to make it possible). From this perspective, then, what happens when we meet? First, an abyss emerges, a beautiful abyss, where everything can happen, an abyss where we all coexist, oscillating between agency and listening, cohabiting doing/feeling/thinking, as a state of vital presence. To speak of bodies is to speak of vitality, of existences placed in relation. To speak of the body is to speak of sensible matter. What are we made of? What constitutes us?


meeting, experience, transformation, event