• Submitted works must be recently written, original, and unpublished, and not currently under evaluation for another publication; otherwise, justification must be provided.
• Contributions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
• The Journal's Editorial Board may directly solicit contributions from researchers with extensive academic experience, exempting these contributions from external peer review.
• Submission of documents implies acceptance of the journal's editorial norms and criteria.
• The final decision on the publication of the document will be communicated to the author through the platform.
• The journal reserves the right to accept or reject received works according to pre-established evaluation criteria, as well as to carry out any editorial modifications it deems necessary that do not imply substantive changes.
• No more than one work per author will be published in the same volume. An author can only publish one manuscript per year, even in cases of co-authorship.
• The periodicity of Revista TEATRO is two issues per year (end of 1st and 2nd Academic Semester).
• The author commits to providing the journal with corrections for any eventual errors. Submissions may be archived by the Editorial Director if the responsible authors do not respond to opinions within the deadlines between each issue's publication.
• The author declares no conflict of interest for the evaluation of the submitted manuscript or has explicitly disclosed any conflict upon entering the Journal's platform.
• Every contribution will undergo an initial review using the plagiarism detection tool Turnitin, subscribed by Universidad de Chile.
• The author declares that the submission of this article implies acceptance of future requests for article evaluation for this journal as an ad hoc reviewer.
• Revista TEATRO issues biannual calls for papers, with specific deadlines. However, manuscript submissions are open throughout the year. The journal maintains an open and free access regime to published content (Open Access), linking to the digital platform of academic journals of the University of Chile.
Evaluation Process
Contributions received by Revista TEATRO are first reviewed by the Editorial Team, which determines whether the document complies with editorial norms and policies. If it meets these requirements, the document undergoes a blind peer-review process conducted by two evaluators. Each evaluator applies an evaluation guideline that assesses the manuscript's contribution to the disciplinary discussion and its relevance to the field; the theoretical foundation of the manuscript; the coherence of the manuscript; the level of currency and relevance of its bibliography; and compliance with the characteristics of the type of contribution submitted. In case of disparate evaluations, a third blind evaluation will be sought to resolve the discrepancy.
TEATRO aims to publish original and quality works; therefore, it engages the participation of qualified external evaluators in a systematic and highly objective review process.